
As a skilled massage therapist and craniosacral therapist, Katie embraces a holistic approach to guide you on a profound journey of wellness. With a gentle touch and profound intuition, she facilitates the body's natural healing process, harmonizing your mind, body, and spirit.

At Eye Candy, you will experience a customized session tailored to address your unique needs. Katie understands that each individual carries their own story, and her empathetic nature ensures that you are truly heard and understood. Whether you seek relief from physical discomfort, emotional stress, or simply wish to unwind, Katie provides a safe space for deep healing and relaxation.

Through the art of massage, she expertly manipulates soft tissues, releasing tension, improving circulation, and restoring balance to your body. Her craniosacral therapy sessions further delve into the subtle rhythms of your craniosacral system, gently influencing the flow of cerebrospinal fluid and promoting the body's self-healing abilities.

With a profound respect for the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, Katie creates a nurturing environment where you can let go of accumulated stress and find your inner equilibrium. Her holistic approach embraces the whole person, recognizing that true healing occurs when all aspects of your being are aligned.